President of the Republic:  José Eduardo dos Santos |
Vice-President of the Republic Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos | 
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Minister of State and Head of Civilian House (Office of the President) Carlos Maria da Silva Feijó | |
Minister of State and Head of Military House (Office of the President) Manuel Hélder Vieira Dias Jr. | |
Ministry of State for Economy Co-ordination: Manuel Nunes Júnior - Secretary of State for Economic Co-ordination:
- - Job Graça
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Ministry of External Affairs: Assunção Afonso dos Anjos - Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs:
- - George Rebelo Chicoty
- Secretary of State for Cooperation:
- - Exalgina Renée Vicente Gamboa
- Rua Major Kanhangulo - Luanda
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Ministry of National Defence Cândido Pereira dos Santos Van-Dúnem - Deputy Minister for National Defence Policy :
- - Gaspar Rufino dos Santos
- Deputy Minister for Material Resources:
- - Salviano de Jesus Sequeira
- Deputy Minister for Administration and Finance
- - Agostinho Fernandes Nelumba
Ministry of Interior: Roberto Leal Ramos Monteiro - Deputy Minister for Internal Order:
- - Ângelo de Barros Veiga Tavares
- Deputy Minister for Migration:
- - Eduardo de Almeida Ferreira Martins
- Deputy Minister for Penitentiary Services:
- - José Bamoquina Zau
- Deputy Minister for Civil Protection and Fire Service:
- - Eugénio César Laborinho
- Deputy Minister for Administration and Finances:
- - Margarida de Jesus da Trindade Jordão de Barros
- Av. 4 de Fevereiro - Luanda
Minister for Parliamentary Matters: Norberto Fernando dos Santos | |
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Ministry of Territorial Administration: Bornito de Sousa Baltazar Diogo - Deputy Ministers for Institutional and Electoral Matters:
- - Edeltrude Maurício Fernandes Gaspar da Costa
- Deputy Ministers for Local Administration
- - Graciano Francisco Domingos
- Av. Comandante Gika - Luanda
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Ministry of Justice: Guilhermina Contreiras da Costa Prata - Deputy Ministers of Justice:
- - João Alves Monteiro
- Deputy Ministers for Auxiliary Justice Services:
- - Ana Carlos Canene Meireles de Vasconcelos
- Rua 17 de Setembro - Luanda
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Ministry of Public Administration, Employment and Social Security : António Domingos Pitra Costa Neto - Deputy Minister for Employment and Social Security:
- - Sebastião Constantino Lukinda
- Rua 17 de Setembro, 32 - Luanda
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Ministry of Social Communication: Carolina Cerqueira - Deputy Ministers of Social Communication:
- - Manuel Miguel de Carvalho
- Av. Comandante Valódia - Luanda
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Ministry of Youth and Sports: Gonçalves Manuel Muandumba - Deputy Minister for the Youth:
- - Yaba Pedro Alberto
- Deputy Minister for Sports
- - Albino da Conceição José
- Av. Comandante Valódia, 299 - 4º - Luanda
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Ministry of Planning: Ana Afonso Dias Lourenço - Deputy Minister for Planining:
- - Carlos Alberto Lopes
- Deputy Minister of Planining for Public Investments:
- - Gualberto Lima Campos
- Largo do Palácio - Cidade Alta - Luanda
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Ministry of Finances: Carlos Alberto Lopes - Secretary of State for Finances:
- - Valentina Filipe
- Secretary of State for Budget:
- -Alcides Safeca
- Secretary of State for Tresury:
- -Manuel Neto Costa
- Av. 4 de Fevereiro - Luanda
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Ministry of Commerce and Tourism: Maria Idalina de OliveiraValente - Secretary of State for Commerce:
- - Augusto Archer de Sousa Mangueira
- Secretary of State for Hotels and Tourism:
- - Pedro Mutinde
- Largo 4 de Fevereiro - Luanda
Ministry of Agricultural, Rural Development and Fisheries: Afonso Pedro Canga - Secretary of State for Agriculture:
- - José Amaro Tati
- Secretary of State for Rural Development:
- - Maria Filomena de Fátima Lobão Telo Delgado
- Secretary of State for |Fisheries:
- - Vitória Francisco Lapas Cristóvão de Barros Neto
- Av. Comandante Gika - Luanda
Ministry of Geology, Mining and Industry: Joaquim Duarte da Costa David - Secretary of State for Geology and Mining:
- - Mankenda Ambroise
- Secretary of State for Industry:
- - Kiala Ngone Gabriel
- Rua Sequeira Lukoki, 25 - Luanda
Ministry of Petroleum: José Maria Botelho de Vasconcelos - Deputy Minister of Petroleums:
- - Aníbal Octávio Teixeira da Silva
- Deputy Minister for Administration:
- - José Gualter dos Remédios Inocêncio
- Av. 4 de Fevereiro - Luanda
Ministry of Environment: Maria de Fátima Monteiro Jardim - Deputy Minister for Environment:
- - Syanga Kivuila Samuel Abílio
- Av. 4 de Fevereiro, 25 - Luanda
Ministry of Urbanization and Construction: José Manuel dos Santos da Silva Ferreira - Secretary of State for Urbanisation and Housing:
- - Joaquim Silvestre António
- Secretary of State for constrution:
- - José Joanes André
- Deputy Minister of Territorial Planning
- - Manuel Francisco da Silva Clemente Jr.
- Rua I Congresso do MPLA - Luanda
Ministry of Transportation: Augusto da Silva Tomás - Deputy Minister for Road Transports:
- - Carla Leitão Ribeiro de Sousa
- Deputy Ministerr for Railway Transport:
- - José João Kivingua
- Av. 4 de Fevereiro, 42 - Luanda
Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology: José Carvalho da Rocha - Deputy Minister for Telecommunications:
- - Aristides Frederico Safeca
- Deputy Minister for Information Technologies:
- - Pedro Sebastião Teta
- Rua Major Kanhangulo - Luanda
Ministry of Energy and Water: Emanuela Afonso Vieira Lopes - Secretary of State for Energy:
- - João Baptista Borges
- Secretary of State for Water:
- - Luís Filipe da Silva
- Av. 4 de Fevereiro - Luanda
Ministry of Health: José Vieira Dias Van-Dúnem - Deputy Minister of Health:
- - Evelize Joaquina da Cruz Frestas
- Rua 17 de Setembro - Luanda
Ministry of Education: M'Pinda Simão - Deputy Minister for General Education and Social Action:
- - Ana Paula Ines Luis NDala Fernando
- Deputy Minister for Training and Technical and Professional Education:
- -Narciso Damásio dos Santos Benedito
- Av. Comandante Gika - Luanda
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology: Maria de Cândida Pereira Teixeira - Secretary of State for Higher Education:
- -Adão Gaspar Ferreira do Nascimento
- Secretary of State for Science and Technology
- - João Sebastião Teta
- Ilha do Cabo - Luanda
Ministry of Culture: Rosa Maria Martins da Cruz e Silva - Deputy Minister of Culture:
- - Cornélio Caley
Ministry of Social Assistance and Reintegration: João Baptista Kussumua - Deputy Minister for Social Assistence:
- - Maria da Luz do Rosário Cirilo de Sá Magalhães
- Deputy Minister for Social Reintegration:
- - Mateus Miguel Ângelo
- Av. Hoji ya Henda, 117
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Ministry of Family and the Promotion of Women: Genoveva da Conceição Lino - Deputy Minister for Family Issues :
- - Ana Paula da Silva do Sacramento Neto
- Largo 4 de Fevereiro - Luanda
Ministry of Former Combatants and Veterans Affairs: Kundi Paihama - Deputy Minister for Veterans Affairs:
- - Clemente Cunjuca
- Av. Comandante Gika - Luanda
Secretary of State for Human Rights: António Bento Bembe | 
Secretary of Consel of Ministers: Frederico Manuel dos Santos e Silva Cardoso | |
Governor of BNA (National Bank of Angola) : Abrahão Pio do Amaral Gourgel - 151 Avenida 4 de Fevereiro
Luanda 2004-2008 - Angola
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