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martedì 11 maggio 2010

Republic of Angola Xyami: GRAN BRETAGNA - Gordon Brown dà le dimissioni Cameron è il nuovo primo ministro

Falliscono le trattative tra laburisti e lib-dem. Il premier uscente lascia Downing Street e il partito. Il leader dei conservatori riceve dalla regina l'incarico a formare il nuovo governo. Verso un esecutivo di coalizione con i liberali

LONDRA - David Cameron, leader dei conservatori, è il nuovo primo ministro britannico. Il vincitore delle elezioni politiche del 6 maggio ha accettato dalla regina Elisabetta II l'incarico per formare un nuovo governo. Il capo dei Tory si è detto intenzionato a formare una "coalizione piena" con i liberaldemocratici per "un governo solido" che "affronti i problemi del paese, primo fratutti il deficit".

L'incarico a Cameron arriva a pochi minuti dalle dimissioni del suo predecessore, il laburista Gordon Brown, che ha lasciato Downing Street dopo aver constatato il fallimento delle trattative tra i suoi emissari e i rappresentanti dei lib-dem. Annunciando il suo addio al fianco della moglie Sarah, Brown ha anche comunicato la rinuncia a ogni incarico all'interno del partito laburista, che guidava dalle dimissioni di Tony Blair nel giugno 2007.

Che ogni possibilità di accordo tra laburisti e lib-dem fosse tramontata, era apparso chiaro quando nel pomeriggio Vince Cable, numero due del partito di Nick Clegg, aveva parlato di un'intesa con i Tory "molto vicino a essere conclusa". Dopo un febbrile, ma breve, rincorrersi di ammissioni, smentite e precisazioni, Brown ha gettato la spugna.

Prima di andare dalla Regina, a Buckingham Palace, il premier britannico dimissionario ha ringraziato il Paese, lo staff, "ma soprattutto mia moglie Sarah per il suo amore e per il sevrizio che ha reso al Paese". Brown è poi andato a prendere i due figli all'interno dell'ufficio di Downing Street.

"Ho fatto questo lavoro non per il privilegio o il prestigio che ne deriva ma per la possibilità di servire le persone", ha detto Brown visibilmente emozionato nel suo addio, che ha voluto quindi rendere omaggio alle truppe impegnate in Afghanistan. Egli ha quindi fatto i suoi auguri al successore: costituzionalmente egli "consiglierà" il nome di Cameron alla regina. Brown si è allontanato da Downing Street con la moglie e i figli John e Fraser.

La prima a dare notizia dell'accordo per il governo di colazione tra conservatori e liberaldemocratici è stata la Bbc. Jon Pienaar, corrispondente politico di Bbc Radio 5, rivela che Downing Street, presenti lo stesso Brown e alcuni ministri, riconosce che i colloqui dei laburisti con la formazione guidata da Clegg "non hanno raggiunto nè raggiungeranno una conclusione positiva". Fonti laburiste fanno sapere che "i colloqui con i Lib-dem non sono mai decollati".

I mercati hanno accolto positivamente la soluzione della crisi di governo: intorno alle 16 locali (le 17 italiane), non appena hanno cominciato a circolare le voci del fallimento della trattativa fra Labour e Lib-dem, la sterlina è salita in breve da 1,4790 dollari a 1,4933. L'indice principale della borsa di Londra, che perdeva 1,99%, è improvvisamente risalito a -0,8%. I rendimenti dei titoli di stato a dieci anni sono scesi a 3,869% dopo un massimo di 4,024%. (11 maggio 2010)

domenica 9 maggio 2010

Republic of Angola Xyami: Angola and United Nations - The Angolan Mission to the United Nations in New York

Angola and UN - the United Nations

Ambassador and Annan.jpg

The Angolan Mission to the United Nations in New York is one of our three posts (along with our diplomatic missions in Geneva and Vienna) representing Angola's interests in the United Nations system.

Our Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Mr. Ismael Gaspar Martins, heads the Angolan Mission, which comprises of a team of diplomats and experts. The Mission provides the nucleus of Angolan delegations to UN conferences and meetings in New York, including regular and special sessions of the General Assembly.

In January 2003, Angola acceded to the Security Council as a Non-Permanent Member and its mandate expired in December 2004. In November 2003, the Republic of Angola presided over the Security Council and also participated in the ongoing work of the other organs of the UN, such as the General Assembly, Ecosoc, and the Trusteeship Council etc. and continues to monitor the activities of the UN's specialized agencies and programs. Yet, as far as the ECOSOC is concerned, on October 2005, Angola was elected as a member of the Council with a majority of 186 votes.For the first time in the history of the United Nations and as a peace-loving country, on May 12, 2006, Angola guaranteed its seat on the newly established Peacebuilding Commission. Subsequent to that, on June 23, 2006, Angolan ambassador to UN, Ismael Gaspar Martins, was elected by acclamation for a one-year term as Chairman of the Peacebuilding Commission, tasked with ensuring post-conflict peace.

Angola is firmly committed to the UN system. As an African nation, emerging from almost 30 years of civil war, Angola has substantial interest to having effective mechanisms for multilateral cooperation that complement our bilateral and regional relationships.

The UN's importance to Angola can be seen in core areas, such as international peace and security (including arms control and disarmament) and the development of international legal instruments and norms. It is also found in the work of the UN's programs and technical agencies, which deal with issues such as the provision of humanitarian assistance, assistance to vulnerable groups such as women and children, and protection of the environment and sustainable development.

One of Angola's main priorities in the UN's agenda over the past years has been the question of peace in the world, Africa, and particularly in sub-Sahara region. Angola has actively supported the UN popular consultation process at the UN Security Council level, to restore order and stability around the globe.


Terrorism has become increasingly an international issue, and close cooperation between governments has proved to be crucial. The UN plays a key role in the fight against the terrorist threat by providing a forum for the negotiation of international conventions. The existing conventions adopted by the UN impose a duty on parties either to extradite or prosecute an alleged terrorist found in their territory. The aim of these conventions is to limit the countries where terrorists may find safe haven.

Angola is a key element of this international system of cooperation against terrorism.

Disarmament and International Security

Angola sees global disarmament efforts as central to international peace and security. As a member of the United Nations Angola is working hard to maintain progress on a range of issues such as arms and control initiatives. At the Security Council, Angola played a valuable role in enhancing the effectiveness of the international nuclear nonproliferation regime in the coming future.

Angola is also focused on expanding the international arms control agenda to address the proliferation of small arms and light weapons. Angola also played a constructive role and has taken a tough stance on matters related to Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects, which has resulted in the adoption of an international program of action addressing areas such as management of weapons stockpiles, export controls and transparency.

Angola is a long-standing supporter of the UN's role in peacekeeping. Emerging from some three decades of civil war Angola have largely contributed to the promotion of policies enabling peace and security around the globe.


The UN's agenda on global environment issues is also a high priority for the Angolan Government. Angola is a signatory to a number of conventions on environmental protection and conservation.

International Law

Another important area for Angola in the UN system is the development and strengthening of international legal instruments and norms. Angola has been at the forefront of efforts to create an International Criminal Court (ICC) to address serious crimes of concern to the international community. On October 7 1998, Angola signed the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, as a clear sign of our commitment to justice as well as strengthen the international legal system.

Human Rights

Angola also sees an important role for the UN in the promotion and protection of human rights. We are committed to the effective functioning of the UN's human rights system, which includes a suite of treaties and declarations, bodies such as the Human Rights Council, and a range of mechanisms for monitoring and advising States on human rights issues. Angola is a party to all major human rights treaties.

UN Reform

The Republic of Angola has been a strong proponent of revitalizing the UN for some time - not for reform's sake itself, but to make the system more efficient and effective, and more accountable to its Member States. Angola has for some time held the view that the Security Council should be enlarged to better reflect contemporary global political realities.

Republic of Angola Xyami: Angola - Country Facts - was a Portuguese colony until 11 November 1975, when acquired its independence.

Angola is situated on the Western coast of Southern Africa at the geographic co-ordinates of 12 30 S, 18 30 E and was a Portuguese colony until 11 November 1975, when acquired its independence.

It has an area of 1,246,700 Sq Kilometers and it shares its borders of 4,837 km with the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (ex-Zaire) in the North, Zambia to the East and Namibia in the South. The West is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and this coastline is 1,650 kilometers long.

The highest peak is Monte Moco (2,620 meters), situated in Huambo and the rivers Kwanza, Zaire, and Cunene, Cubango e Bengo, cross Angola.

The currency is Kwanza (Kz).

It is divided into 18 provinces, and its capital city is Luanda. The main maritime ports are in Luanda, Lobito, and Namibe.

The estimated number of inhabitants in 2004 was 11 million, with an estimated growth to 16 million by the year 2010.

It was also estimated in 1995 that the population was distributed as follows: 49,3% (males) 50,7% (females). Out of that, 32% lived in urban areas and 53% being economically active.

Luanda alone has an estimated (1995) population of 3 million people.

Angola's official language is Portuguese, but the country counts with various dialects such as Kikongo, Kimbundo, Umbundu, Chokwe, Mbunda and Oxikwanyama.

The population is predominantly Christian; with the Catholic religion being the most expanded one.

It has a tropical climate with two seasons: semi-arid from May to September and hot and rainy from September to May.

The terrain is a narrow coastal plain, which rises abruptly to a vast interior plateau

The natural resources are oil, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, copper, feldspar, gold, bauxite, and uranium. The land has excellent conditions for plantation and pastures. It also has a vast area of forests and woodland providing wood and other materials

martedì 4 maggio 2010

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domenica 2 maggio 2010

Republic of Angola Xyami: Police find clues in potential car bomb vehicle, From Susan Candiotti and Jeanne Meserve, CNN

Police find clues in potential car bomb vehicle

From Susan Candiotti and Jeanne Meserve, CNN
  • NEW: Vehicle Identification Number found on potential car bomb vehicle
  • SUV found in Times Square had propane tanks, gas cans, NYC mayor says
  • Vendor saw smoke coming from box in car, notified police
  • Police looking at surveillance video to determine who left vehicle

Tune in to "Larry King Live" tonight for the latest developments in the bomb attempt in Times Square. A special two-hour "Larry King Live" starts at 8 ET tonight.

(CNN) -- A T-shirt vendor who noticed smoke coming out of a dark green sport utility vehicle alerted police to what turned out to be a potential bomb placed in the city's iconic Times Square -- teeming with tourists and theater-goers on a balmy spring evening.

"We avoided what could have been a very deadly event," said Mayor Michael Bloomberg early Sunday morning. "It certainly could have exploded and had a pretty big fire and a decent amount of explosive impact."

The atmosphere at Times Square returned to normal Sunday, but questions remained about the contents of the vehicle.

Two federal officials said Sunday it was too early to tell whether the incident involved al Qaeda or another international terror group. The national threat level remained at yellow, or elevated.

"We're taking this very seriously," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said in an interview on CNN's "State of the Union," noting that the New York police, FBI and federal Joint Terrorism Task Force were involved in the investigation. "We're treating it as if it could be a potential terrorist attack."

iReport: Were you there? Share pics, videos

President Obama, updated on the situation late Saturday night, said the federal government was prepared to provide support.

Police are combing through surveillance camera footage to determine who left the Nissan Pathfinder with its engine running and lights flashing on a street shortly after 6 p.m. Saturday.

Authorities may also appeal to the public to provide personal photos taken at the time, a federal law enforcement official said.

Times Square evacuation captured on iPhone

Inside the Pathfinder, police found "gas cans and bomb-making materials," Bloomberg said.

Investigators removed three propane tanks, two filled five-gallon gasoline containers, two clocks with batteries, consumer-grade fireworks, and a locked metal box that resembled a gun locker.

The wiring around the device "looked amateurish," Bloomberg said.

A robot from the city police department's bomb squad smashed through the back window of the SUV and retrieved the box after several hours. It was taken to a bomb squad facility in the Bronx.

Police order Times Square patrons to 'head north, head north'

As of Sunday morning, the box was the only component found in the car that was not yet rendered safe, a police official told CNN. Authorities had not yet opened it, he said.

See the 'eerie' scene in Times Square Sunday morning

The forensics on the bomb component will take time and are complex, a federal law enforcement official said. But, the official said, "the scientists can do wonders."

Officials did not immediately know how the bomb would have been detonated, nor did anyone claim responsibility.

"So far we have no reports of anybody running away [from the car]," Bloomberg said. "That doesn't mean there won't be when we look at all the cameras."

The SUV's Vehicle Identification Number had been removed from the dashboard, but officials recovered the VIN from another location on the car, a federal law enforcement official told CNN.

With that information, they can trace the history of the SUV to some degree.

The official said investigators were looking at the vehicle and device for fingerprints and fibers that could provide clues.

The Pathfinder's license plate was taken from another truck, Bloomberg said.

Authorities interviewed the truck owner who told them he had taken it to a junkyard.

A law enforcement official said the plate came from a junkyard near Bridgeport, Connecticut. Under Connecticut law, plates must be returned to a local Department of Motor Vehicle branch or to a Connecticut state trooper if a car is to be junked for scrap metal.

The mayor said authorities did not have reason to believe the truck owner "had anything to do with it or his story is false."

Following the incident, security in other boroughs was heightened, but nothing suspicious was reported anywhere else, the mayor said.

A federal official, briefed on the situation, told CNN that New York police were just beginning their investigation and cautioned against connecting any dots about who may have been involved.

But based on the preliminary investigation, the official downplayed the impact of the car bomb.

"If it was real, it didn't work," the official said.

Incident similiar to Glasgow bombing, official says

The lockdown of the popular New York attraction began after the T-shirt vendor -- a Vietnam veteran -- saw the SUV, found it suspicious and alerted a mounted police officer.

The officer peered inside and noticed a box with smoke coming out and smelled gunpowder, the mayor said.

"I told my friend, 'Yo, yo, look at this!' I mean it looks like a fireworks inside," said Hamid Boubaln, a street vendor. "I don't know; it's hard to explain. After that, like 15 minutes later, the smoke came out. And one of the officers came and he started kicking everybody from the corner for safety."

Authorities immediately evacuated the area.

Official: 'It's an emergency! ...Wake up!'

The Marriott Marquis hotel did not allow anyone to enter or leave. A nearby T.G.I. Friday's restaurant shut its doors and evacuated staff. Theater-goers found themselves unable to leave shows.

Pamela Hall was at a McDonald's when a police officer told her to pick up her food and leave.

"They told us to go straight to 47th Street," Hall said. "Nobody was frightened. The cops weren't upset and the people were not noticeably upset. We were all just perplexed. We just went to 47th Street and ended up taking pictures and watching."

Watch police evacuate McDonald's: 'Pack your food up! Let's go!'

Speaking to reporters, Bloomberg said: "You know we often say that when a terrorist is caught, he has a map of New York City in his pocket. ... And tonight is a further reminder of the dangers that we face."

Early Sunday morning, Gov. David Paterson issued a statement commending the police department.

"Tonight, we owe an incredible debt of gratitude to the heroic actions of the New York City Police Department and to a single vigilant New Yorker who identified a suspicious vehicle near Times Square in New York City," he said.

"Luckily, no one is hurt, and now the full attention of city, state and federal law enforcement will be turned to bringing the guilty party to justice in this act of terrorism."

CNN's Ed Henry, Allan Chernoff, Saeed Ahmed and Alona Rivord contributed to this report.